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The Evergreen Kolsai Lakes Kazakhstan

Kolsai lake

Kolsai Lakes, also known as the Kolsay Lakes, are a series of three alpine lakes located in the Kolsai Lakes National Park in Kazakhstan. The park is situated in the northern part of the Tien Shan mountain range, approximately 300 kilometres east of Almaty, Kazakhstan’s largest city.

Kolsai Lakes are known for their crystal-clear waters, surrounded by snow-capped mountains, lush forests, and meadows filled with wildflowers. The first lake is the smallest and located at an altitude of 1,818 meters above sea level, while the second and third lakes are larger and situated at higher elevations of 2,252 meters and 2,850 meters, respectively.

Kolsai Lakes National Park is a popular destination for hiking, camping, and nature lovers. Visitors can enjoy a variety of activities such as trekking, horse riding, fishing, and bird watching. The park is also home to a diverse range of wildlife, including mountain goats, ibex, wolves, lynx, and brown bears.

Geography and geology

Kolsay Lakes National Park is located on the north slope of the Tian Shan Mountains, in southeast Kazakhstan. The Park is referred to as “Pearls of Tien Shan” and the main feature is the Kolsay Lakes located between the Raiymbek District and Talgar District of Almaty Region. The scenic Lake Kaindy is also within the park. The park boundary is 120 kilometres southeast of Almaty. The Kolsai Lakes are of tectonic origin and formed by a landslide, approximately in 1887 and 1911 on the Kaindy and Kolsay rivers.

Kolsai lake

The river Kolsay originates on a ridge of Kungey-Alatau and runs in turns into three lakes. Water in lakes is fresh, rigid and contains sulphate of sodium. A bottom of the lakes in places is flat, without rocky ledges. During the summer period the water temperature is + 10 degrees. The triad of high-mountainous lakes as if a thread strung with pearls decorates northern Tien Shan.

Kolsai tour

There are several tour operators that offer guided tours to Kolsai Lakes National Park from Almaty. These tours can vary in length, activities included, and price, but most of them will include transportation, a guide, and some meals.  The price of the tour can vary depending on the number of people in your group, the activities included, and the level of comfort. It’s recommended to book a tour in advance to ensure availability, especially during peak season (June-August).

Kolsai lakes trees

The Kolsai Lakes National Park is home to a diverse range of trees and other vegetation due to its location in the northern part of the Tien Shan mountain range. The park has a mix of coniferous and deciduous trees, including spruce, fir, pine, birch, aspen, and rowan.

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The fur-tree does not form the considerable areas of large forests and more often grows in big groups. The tan-Shan fur-tree reaches in height of 40-50 metres and up to 2 metres in diameter. The coniferous wood belt reaches 2700-3000 metres. Characteristic inhabitants of all three natural zones are: a bear, a wolf, a lynx, a hare, the Siberian goat, a snow leopard, a wild boar, a badger

The lower elevations of the park are covered with lush forests of deciduous trees such as birch, aspen, and rowan. These trees provide a stunning backdrop to the crystal-clear waters of the first lake.

Kolsai lake

As you ascend to higher elevations, the forests transition to coniferous trees such as spruce, fir, and pine. These trees thrive in the colder and harsher conditions found at higher elevations and provide a beautiful contrast to the snow-capped mountains.

Kolsai national park

Kolsai National Park is a protected area in Kazakhstan, located in the northern part of the Tien Shan mountain range, about 300 kilometers east of Almaty, the largest city in the country. The park covers an area of 203,169 hectares and was established in 2007 to protect the unique natural beauty and biodiversity of the region.

The park is known for its three alpine lakes, known as Kolsai Lakes or Kolsay Lakes, which are situated in a picturesque valley surrounded by snow-capped mountains, lush forests, and meadows filled with wildflowers. The lakes are fed by glacial meltwater and have crystal-clear waters that reflect the stunning natural scenery around them.

Kolsai National Park is home to a diverse range of flora and fauna, including over 1,500 species of plants, 38 species of mammals, and over 170 species of birds. Some of the notable wildlife found in the park includes the Tien Shan brown bear, snow leopard, lynx, ibex, and many species of birds of prey.

The park is a popular destination for outdoor enthusiasts and nature lovers, with activities such as hiking, camping, fishing, and horseback riding available. Visitors can also take guided tours to explore the park’s natural beauty and learn about its unique flora and fauna.

Kolsai lake
Almaty bus routes to Kolsai

There are several ways to reach Kolsai Lakes National Park from Almaty, including by private car, taxi, or public transportation. If you prefer to use public transportation, you can take a bus from Almaty to Saty village, which is the closest settlement to the park. From Saty village, you can hire a local taxi or a horse to take you to the lakes. There are several bus companies that operate on this route, such as Kolsay, Sayakhat, and Altyn Emel.

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