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Why The Pacific Ocean Is Shrinking and The Atlantic Ocean Is Widening

The Pacific Ocean Is Shrinking

The Pacific Ocean is gradually shrinking, decreasing by about an inch each year as the tectonic plates beneath the Americas are pushed westward. According to new calculations made by a supercomputer, this process will eventually lead to the formation of a new supercontinent called Amasia.

The General concept of Plate Tectonic

The lithosphere is the Earth’s solid outer layer, composed of the crust and the uppermost part of the mantle. It is divided into several large and small tectonic plates that move atop the asthenosphere, a semi-fluid layer of the mantle. These movements are driven by convective currents within the mantle.

There are three types of plate boundaries: divergent, convergent, and transform. At divergent boundaries, two plates move apart, creating new crust and causing the ocean floor to spread. At convergent boundaries, two plates move toward each other, and one may be forced beneath the other, forming a subduction zone. Transform boundaries occur when two plates slide past each other horizontally.

Ocean Is Shrinking

Concept of Pangaea

The supercontinent Pangaea, formed around 335 million years ago, began to break apart during the age of the dinosaurs. We currently live on the fragmented remains of This Supercontinent Known as America, Asia, Africa, Australia, etc. The existence of even older supercontinents, such as Rodinia and Columbia (also known as Nuna), suggests that Earth undergoes a “supercontinent cycle” in which these vast landmasses form and disintegrate roughly every 600 million years. This cycle raises intriguing questions about what kind of new supercontinent could form in the future, leading scientists to propose names like Novopangaea, Aurica, and Amasia for potential future landmasses.

To explore this mystery, a team of researchers led by Chuan Huang, a geophysicist at Curtin University in Australia, used a supercomputer to simulate Earth’s future. Their findings, published in the journal National Science Review, suggest that a new supercontinent called Amasia could form about 200 million years from now as the Pacific Ocean shrinks, eventually disappearing entirely and causing North America to collide with Asia.

The concept of Amasia, a combination of the names America and Asia, has been a topic of scientific discussion for over a decade. However, there is debate about whether this supercontinent would form through “introversion” or “extroversion.” Introversion involves the closure of younger oceans that formed after the breakup of Pangaea, like the Indian or Atlantic Oceans, while extroversion refers to the closure of the older Pacific Ocean, which is currently shrinking by about one inch per year.

“Earth’s known supercontinents are believed to have formed in vastly different ways, with two end members being introversion and extroversion,” explained Huang and his colleagues in their study. “Introversion involves the closure of the internal oceans formed during the breakup of the previous supercontinent, whereas extroversion involves the closure of the previous external superocean.”

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Using their modeling results, Huang’s team speculates on whether the next supercontinent is more likely to form through the closure of the Pacific Ocean (extroversion) or the Indo-Atlantic Oceans (introversion).

Why The Pacific Ocean Is Shrinking while The Atlantic Ocean Widening 

The Pacific Ocean Is Shrinking

The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean on Earth, covering about 63.8 million square miles, which is roughly 46% of the planet’s total surface area. To put this into perspective, imagine the Pacific Ocean as an enormous swimming pool. Despite its vast size, the Pacific Ocean is getting smaller. This shrinkage is caused by the subduction of the Pacific plate, Earth’s largest tectonic plate, beneath other plates. As the Pacific plate is forced deeper into the Earth’s mantle, it decreases in size, causing the ocean above it to contract—similar to how removing pieces from a puzzle makes it smaller and more compact.

Ocean Is Shrinking

The Pacific Ocean is the oldest ocean we have on Earth, and it started shrinking from its maximum size since the dinosaur time. It is currently shrinking in size by a few centimeters per year and its current dimension of about 10 thousand kilometers is predicted to take 200 to 300 million years to close. The new supercontinent has already been named Amasia which is believed to have formed nearly 200-300 million years. This is the same time taken when the Pacific Ocean took to close.

The Atlantic Ocean Is Widening

The Pacific Ocean Is Shrinking while The Atlantic Ocean is Widening. The answer is in the mid-Atlantic Ridge, an extensive underwater mountain range that separates two tectonic plates: the North American plate and the Eurasian plate. As these plates slowly move apart, magma from the Earth’s mantle rises to fill the gap, creating new oceanic crust in a process known as seafloor spreading.

To understand seafloor spreading, imagine a conveyor belt in a factory. The tectonic plates are like two pieces of fabric moving in opposite directions on this belt, while the molten rock from the mantle is similar to new material being added between them. As the belt moves, new fabric is continuously added, pushing the two pieces farther apart. Similarly, when tectonic plates move away from each other, a rift valley forms, which eventually fills with water, creating a new oceanic basin.

Ocean Is Shrinking

The Atlantic Ocean is one of Earth’s greatest natural wonders, covering over 20% of the planet’s surface. As the second-largest ocean in the world, it spans an astonishing 106.5 million square kilometers. However, this size isn’t static—it is constantly changing.


The movement of tectonic plates is responsible for the gradual changes in the sizes of our oceans. The Atlantic Ocean is expanding due to the formation of new oceanic crust at the mid-Atlantic Ridge, while the Pacific Ocean is shrinking because the Pacific plate is being subducted beneath surrounding plates. These geological processes are ongoing and have been shaping our planet for millions of years.

So, the next time you look at a world map, remember that it represents just a single moment in Earth’s constantly evolving landscape. The oceans are not just vast bodies of water; they are shaped by the interactions of tectonic plates that continuously transform the planet’s surface.

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