
Geotourism is admired by the nature


The Story Behind Kaliyana’s Flexible Sandstone-Itacolumite

Flexible Sandstone of Kaliyana (Itacolumite)

The term ‘Itacolumite’ refers to the flexible sandstone or quartzite. A hillock in Kaliyana, Charkhi Dadri district of Haryana is the only location of Itacolumite in India. The sandstone belongs to the 1600-1000 million years old Alwar Group of the Delhi Supergroup. Itacolumite may be categorized either as soft quartz sandstone, sedimentary quartzite, or quartzose sandstone.

The ‘Itacolumite’  was first reported from Mt. Itacolumi (hence named Itacolumite) in Brazil. It is known from various countries, namely, Brazil, the USA, and France. In India, itacolumite is known from Penganga, Maharashtra, Raj Nandgaon, Chhattisgarh, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, and Kaliana, Haryana.

Geology and Mode of Occurrence

The flexible sandstone occurs in quarries in a small hillock, having an elevation of about 384 meters in the Kaliana area. The hillock comprises mainly a thick sequence of sandstone belonging to the Alwar Group of the middle Proterozoic Delhi Supergroup. The sandstones are un-metamorphosed. Several quarries are available from where sandstone is being quarried for the flour millstones. Itacolumite occurs as a nearly 3 m thick bed traceable over several tens of meters length in thick layers of non-flexible sandstone. The sandstone beds show an almost vertical dip. The abundance of non-flexible sandstone is more relative to the flexible sandstone. Only a few places of flexible sandstones are exposed in the quarries.

fresh flexible sandstone, have, relatively more cementing material adjacent to quartz grains but with distinct intergranular pore spaces. The non-flexible sandstones are quite compact with insignificant intergranular pore spaces. Significantly, interlocked quartz grains are of smaller size in flexible sandstone relative to bigger size quartz grains in non-
flexible sandstone. The cementing material in the flexible sandstone is mostly calcareous and clayey but does not have a uniform distribution pattern.

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Reason for Flexibility in Sandstone (Itacolumite)

Researchers have ascribed various reasons for the flexibility of itacolumite. However, two views are dominant about the flexibility of itacolumite- mineralogical composition (e.g. presence of mica) and intergranular void spaces among quartz grains. Research says that micaceous minerals and intergranular void spaces among the irregular quartz grains cause flexibility in itacolumite. The almost vertically dipping beds of sandstone would have facilitated capillary movement and solutions leading to the development of concomitant leaching-induced porosity.


The flexible sandstone of Kaliyana Hills quarries that produce the flexible sandstone also produces a much tougher sandstone which is interbedded with the soft flexible stuff from which the villagers manufacture millstones.

These Millstones are for sale in Kaliyana village. You pour the grain in the center and turn it using the wooden handle, and the ground grain eventually works its way out to the edge where you scoop the flower out of the clay bowl that the millstone is sitting in.

Flexible Sandstone of Kaliyana

Kaliana hills Charkhi Dadri

The flexible sandstone of Kaliyana Hills, located near Charkhi Dadri in the state of Haryana, India, is known for its unique geological formations and scenic beauty. The hills are primarily composed of sandstone and are characterized by their distinct formations, which have been shaped by natural forces over millions of years.

Kaliana Hills offers panoramic views of the surrounding landscape and is a popular destination for nature lovers and adventure enthusiasts. The region around Kaliana Hills features diverse flora and fauna, including various species of plants, birds, and small mammals, making it a haven for wildlife enthusiasts and birdwatchers.

Visitors to the flexible sandstone of Kaliyana Hills can engage in activities such as hiking, trekking, and photography amidst the picturesque surroundings. The hills provide opportunities for outdoor recreation and exploration of nature’s wonders.


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