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Earth’s most Strange places; Which excited you the most in another way

Extraterrestrial Highway, Nevada, USA-

The famous lonely road stretch of Nevada, that is State Route 375 is popularly known as the “Extraterrestrial Highway” and it is also considered a strange place.  This makes the number one position in a strange place list. the Extraterrestrial Highway runs about 98 miles. This iconic route through the Nevada desert is about so much more than some nice scenery; it’s about journeying into numerous UFO sightings along this highway.

The state route 375 runs alongside the Nellis Air Force Base, where much top-secret weaponry has been tested since the 1950s. One area of the base Area 51 is particularly covered in mystery. The site is known for alien sightings and a fierce belief in life from other worlds visiting the remote Nevada desert and alleged UFO cover-ups.
In the year 1989, an engineer claimed to have worked on alien spaceships inside Area 51. due to this many tourists and curious UFO seekers travel to the area. State officials of America saw it as a tourism opportunity in this area and declared it the “Extraterrestrial Highway” in 1996.


Roswell, New Mexico-Strange place

In the summer of 1947, a man found a crashed flying saucer on a ranch in the area, in Mexico, the Roswell Daily of Mexico published an article about this crash. Many People claimed seeing wreckage and unidentifiable debris scattered over a wide area and a blazing aircraft in the sky in Roswell. This incident fueled many rumors and conspiracy theories about extra-terrestrial and UFOs. Major Jesse Marcel from the Roswell Army Air Field said that they found debris of UFOs 75 miles northwest of Roswell, in June 1947.
With this evidence, some people believed that the crashed vehicle had not come from Earth at all. They argued that the debris came from an alien spaceship. Still, many people continue to embrace the UFO theory, and hundreds of curiosity seekers visit Roswell and the crash site every year. Roswell is the second position in a strange place list.


Bermuda Triangle, North Atlantic Ocean-Strange place

The triangular or Crescent-shaped area in the North Atlantic Ocean is called the Bermuda Triangle and it is also considered a strange place. The triangle is made from Bermuda Island to Miami, the USA to Puerto Rico, and is infamous for the disappearance of hundreds of people with dozens of planes and ships in the past 100 years. Some people believe that it is alien activity and some claim to have experienced electronic fog in the area. The Triangle lies in the North Atlantic Ocean and covers an area of 440,000 miles of sea.
It is also said that in Bermuda Triangle could be a time travel tunnel. Bermuda Triangle is one of the unique places on the planet where the compass points in the true north direction instead of Earth’s magnetic north. No apparent reason found so far For the loss of planes in the Bermuda Triangle, the plane neither transmitted distress signals nor seen or heard from again.
One hypothesis is that pilots failed to account for and manage the place at which the magnetic compass showed reverse variation direction as they approached the Bermuda Triangle, resulting in navigational error and catastrophe.
Strange places

Skeleton Lake, India-Strange place

The glacial lake of Skeleton in Roopkund, Uttrakhand, was discovered by a British forest guard in 1942 and it is also considered a strange place. The skeletons of more than 200 people are frozen in the lake situated 5029 m above sea level at the bottom of a valley in the Himalayan mountains. This unique skeleton lake makes this place very strange in the world.
The immediate assumption was that skeletons Japanese soldiers who had invaded the territory in World War II. but no one can properly determine exactly where they were from and what had killed over 200 people in this small valley. Many theories were put forth including an epidemic, landslide, and ritual suicide. However, upon examination dated the samples back to 850 AD and finally revealed the mystery of what caused those people’s deaths. The skulls had odd cracks in them and the bones were quite old indeed.
Leading experts to believe that the bodies had died similarly, from blows to the head. The bodies also only had wounds on their heads, and shoulders, short deep cracks in the skulls appeared to be the result not of weapons. All 200 people died from a sudden and severe hailstorm in the Roopkund lake.
Strange places

International Space Station-Strange place

The International Space Station is located at an altitude of 400 km from the surface of the Earth. and travels at a speed of 17,895 mph (28,800 kph). ISS is a multi-nation construction project that is the largest single structure ever put into space. construction of the ISS was mainly completed between 1998 and 2011.
The station completed 136 space flights by seven different types of launch vehicles. So far, 230 people from 18 different countries have visited the ISS. The International Space Station 15 nations NASA (United States), Roscosmos (Russia), and the European Space Agency are the major partners of the space station and contribute most of the funding; the other partners are the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency and the Canadian Space Agency.
Strange Places

Door to Hell, Derweze, Turkmenistan-

The ‘Door to Hell’ is A natural gas field located in Derweze, Turkmenistan and it is also considered a strange place. The site was a former Soviet oil operation area and that went wrong when the rig collapsed into a large crater. The location looks like a work straight out of science fiction. Door to hell is in 6th position Strange place list.
The crater was created in the early 1970s when a team of Soviet Geoscientists identified the area as a potential oil field site but it turned out to be a natural gas field instead. Upon drilling, the ground beneath it caved into a wide crater and disappeared. Later, geologists set ablaze the 230-foot-wide crater to prevent the spread of methane gas and it has burned continually ever since.
Strange places


blaze of it can be seen from miles away. Turkmenistan’s Karakum Desert a vast, sandy region and door to Hell has become something of an unlikely tourist destination.

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