
Geotourism is admired by the nature


Deomali Hills- A Pinnacle of Natural Wonder in Odisha’s Landscape

Deomali Hills

Deomali Hills, also known as the Deomali Range, is the highest mountain range in the Indian state of Odisha. It is situated in the Koraput district, near the town of Koraput, and it is part of the Eastern Ghats mountain range. Deomali is a significant geographical landmark and a popular trekking destination for adventure enthusiasts and nature lovers.

The Deomali Hills are known for their rich biodiversity, comprising diverse flora and fauna, including several rare and endemic species. The lush greenery and picturesque landscapes make it an attractive location for ecotourism and hiking. The region is also home to indigenous tribal communities, adding to the cultural and anthropological significance of the area.

Deomali hill range is rich in mineral resources such as bauxite, limestone, and gemstones. It is dotted with brooks and deep valleys, and inhabited by tribes such as Kandhas, Parajas, Bhumia, Malis, and Bhotias. It is not only a marvel for tourists but also for adventurous sports lovers for hang gliding, mountaineering, and trekking.

Deomali weather

The weather in the Deomali region, being a part of the Eastern Ghats in Odisha, is typically influenced by its geographical location. The climate in this area is generally tropical, characterized by hot and humid summers and mild winters. However, specific weather conditions can vary depending on the season.

During the summer months, which usually extend from March to June, temperatures can often soar, with highs reaching around 35-40 degrees Celsius or even higher. The humidity levels can make the weather feel even hotter.

Monsoon season in Deomali Odisha, starting around June and lasting until September, brings significant rainfall, which can be heavy at times. This period is crucial for the region’s agriculture and contributes to the lush greenery of the area.

Deomali hills

The winter season, from November to February, is generally mild and pleasant, with temperatures ranging from around 15-25 degrees Celsius. This season is considered the best time to visit Deomali hill station and its surrounding areas, as the weather is more comfortable for outdoor activities and exploration.

It’s important to note that these weather patterns are typical for the Deomali region, but they can vary from year to year. It is always advisable to check the local weather forecast before planning a trip to Deomali Koraput to ensure a pleasant and safe travel experience.

Deomali Tourist Places

Deomali Peak is the highest mountain in Orissa and the highest in the whole of the Eastern Ghats, with an elevation of around 1,672 meters. Deomali Peak is situated near Doodhari village which is 35 km from Koraput. The beauty of the hill range and picturesque 5km-long flat surface atop the mountain, where an ‘m’ shaped peak can be spotted.

While it may not have as many developed tourist attractions as some more popular destinations, there are several places in and around Deomali that offer unique experiences for visitors. Some tourist places to explore in the Deomali region include-

Deomali Hills- Trekking and exploring the picturesque Deomali Hills is a popular activity for nature enthusiasts and adventure seekers.

Tribal Villages- Visiting the tribal villages around Deomali Hills provides an opportunity to experience the local culture, traditions, and way of life of the indigenous communities in the region.

Nature Walks- Exploring the natural beauty of the surrounding forests and taking leisurely nature walks is a great way to enjoy the serene ambiance and diverse flora and fauna of Deomali Odisha.

Duduma Waterfall- Located not far from Deomali, the Duduma Waterfall is a stunning natural attraction that draws tourists with its breathtaking beauty.

Gupteswar Cave- Gupteswar Cave, dedicated to Lord Shiva, is a significant religious site located near Deomali. It attracts both devotees and tourists interested in exploring its spiritual significance and natural surroundings.

Also read- Geological Wonder Of Odisha-“Nomira Pillow Lava” The National Geological monument

Deomali waterfall

A brilliant Cascade waterfall energetic all through the year, with clean water. These waterfalls are about three kilometers from Nandapur essential market. Three outstanding waterfalls, with 2 of these are available for trekking. One can climb as much as the primary waterfall, which is the first-class fall among the three, however, it’s miles very risky. The water stays all through the year and it will increase in monsoon season.
Taking a groovy bath beneath the herbal waterfall is full of excitement. From the parking area, it’s 1 km of mountaineering steps and passing through the paddy fields and with the aid of using aspect of the river.

Vizag to Deomali Hills

The distance between Visakhapatnam (Vizag) and Deomali in Odisha is approximately 260 kilometers via road, and the travel time can vary depending on the mode of transportation and the specific route taken. The most common means of reaching Deomali Hills from Visakhapatnam is by road, and the journey typically takes around 6 to 8 hours, depending on the traffic and road conditions.

Deomali hills

While there might not be direct train or flight connectivity between Visakhapatnam and Deomali, travelers can opt for a combination of road and possibly rail transport, followed by local transport options to reach Deomali.

Koraput to Deomali distance

The distance between Koraput and Deomali is approximately 70 kilometers by road. The travel time can vary depending on the specific route taken and the mode of transportation. Typically, it takes around 2 to 3 hours to travel from Koraput to Deomali by road, depending on the traffic and road conditions.


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