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Finland’s Marvel Suomenlinna Fortress- A UNESCO Site


Suomenlinna is a sea fortress located on a group of islands just off the coast of Helsinki, Finland. It was built in the 18th century by the Swedish and was then known as Sveaborg. The fortress played an important role in the defence of Helsinki during the Russian-Finnish war in 1808-1809.

Today, Suomenlinna is a popular tourist attraction and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Visitors can explore the fortress and its many museums, such as the Suomenlinna Museum and the Ehrensvärd Museum. There are also many shops, cafes, and restaurants on the islands.

In the summer, Suomenlinna Finland hosts various cultural events, including concerts, theatre performances, and art exhibitions. It’s also a popular spot for picnics and outdoor activities, such as hiking and biking. To reach Suomenlinna, visitors can take a ferry from Market Square in Helsinki. The ferry ride takes about 15-20 minutes and offers beautiful views of the Helsinki archipelago.

Suomenlinna Island is home to many historic buildings, museums, and landmarks, such as the Suomenlinna Church, the King’s Gate, and the Great Courtyard. The island also has several parks and picnic areas where visitors can enjoy the beautiful scenery and views of the surrounding sea.


The islands of Suomenlinna are home to a diverse range of flora and fauna, including several species of birds and butterflies. The waters around the islands are also home to a variety of marine life, including fish, seals, and sea birds.

Suomenlinna Geography and Geology

Suomenlinna islands are located in the Gulf of Finland, which is an arm of the Baltic Sea. The six islands that make up Suomenlinna are connected by bridges and causeways, and together they cover an area of about 80 hectares. The islands are Kustaanmiekka, Susisaari, Iso Mustasaari, Pikku Mustasaari, Länsi-Mustasaari, and Långören.

The terrain on the islands is rocky and hilly, with several cliffs and shorelines. The highest point on the islands is Kustaanmiekka, which rises to a height of 38 meters above sea level. There are also several parks and green spaces on the islands, including the King’s Garden and the Parade Ground.

Suomenlinna, being a group of islands, has a diverse geological history that dates back millions of years. The islands are composed of bedrock made up of various types of metamorphic and igneous rocks, which were formed by volcanic and tectonic activity during the Precambrian and Paleozoic eras.

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The Rock around Suomenlinna Finland is primarily composed of granite and gneiss, which are types of metamorphic rocks that were formed from the transformation of sedimentary and volcanic rocks under high temperature and pressure. There are also several areas on the islands where the bedrock is exposed and weathered, creating interesting geological features such as rock formations, cliffs, and boulders.

In addition to the bedrock, there are also several layers of glacial till and sedimentary deposits on the islands. These deposits were left behind by the glaciers that covered Finland during the last ice age, which ended around 10,000 years ago. The glacial deposits are mainly composed of clay, sand, and gravel, and are often found on the lower slopes of the islands.

Suomenlinna Fortress

Suomenlinna Fortress, also known as Sveaborg, is a sea fortress built by the Swedish in the mid-18th century to protect their eastern flank and maintain control over the Gulf of Finland. The fortress played a significant role in the defense of Helsinki during the Finnish War in 1808-1809 when it was attacked by Russian forces. It remained under Russian control until Finland gained its independence in 1917. Today, Suomenlinna Fortress is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a popular tourist destination.

Suomenlinna Fortress

Suomenlinna castle

Suomenlinna Castle, also known as King’s Gate, was built in the 18th century and was originally intended as a ceremonial entrance to the fortress. The castle is located on the southeastern tip of the island and is one of the most recognizable landmarks in the fortress complex.

Today, Suomenlinna Castle houses a museum that tells the story of the fortress and its history. Visitors can explore the castle’s interior, which features exhibits on the history of the fortress, the life of the soldiers who served there, and the daily life of the people who lived on the islands. The castle also offers beautiful views of the surrounding sea and is a popular spot for taking photographs. In the summer, the castle hosts various cultural events, such as concerts and theater performances.

Suomenlinna Fortress visit

Once on Suomenlinna,Visitors can explore the fortress and its many museums, including the Suomenlinna Museum, the Ehrensvärd Museum, and the Toy Museum. You can also walk along the fortress walls and enjoy the stunning views of the sea. Don’t miss Suomenlinna Castle, which houses a museum and offers beautiful views of the sea. The castle is located on the southeastern tip of the island and can be reached by foot or by taking the island’s internal bus service. Suomenlinna Island is a great place to enjoy the outdoors, with several parks and picnic areas where you can relax and take in the scenery. You can also rent a bike to explore the island or take a swim in the sea.

In the summer, Suomenlinna hosts various cultural events, including concerts, theater performances, and art exhibitions. Check the fortress’s events calendar to see what’s on during your visit. Suomenlinna Fortress has several restaurants, cafes, and shops where you can enjoy a meal or a drink. Don’t forget to try the local beer, which is brewed on the island.

Suomenlinna Fortress

How to get Suomenlinna Fortress

Suomenlinna Fortress is located on a group of islands off the coast of Helsinki, Finland. Helsinki is served by Helsinki-Vantaa International Airport, located approximately 18 km north of the city center. There are several airlines that offer direct flights to Helsinki from various destinations around the world. From Airport one can reach Helsinki’s Market Square that is easily accessible by public transportation. From here travellers can purchase Suomenlinna ferry ticket.

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